Peacock, also called peafowl, any of three species of resplendent birds of the pheasant family, Phasianidae (order Galliformes). Strictly, the male is a peacock, and the female is a peahen; both are peafowl. Peacock is beautiful in nature unlike some human being that bleach their body all to get artificial beauty while some are beautiful in nature. As is it written till date that peacock is the head of all birds. The feathers of peacock is very attractive and eye catching the feathers is use for decoration both Villages and advance countries, while some use it for making bags and lot more.
Peacock is one of the expensive birds that you rarely find in our environments, having peacock in your house is like having special visitor in your surrounding. Naturally peacock is an epitome of beauty. Artist: Oluwakayode Abiodun Alaba.
Medium: oil on canvas no
Dimension: 12by15inches
Value: $79.99